
publications by categories in reversed chronological order. generated by jekyll-scholar.


  1. USENIX Security
    Speculation at Fault: Modeling and Testing Microarchitectural Leakage of CPU Exceptions
    Jana Hofmann, Emanuele Vannacci, Cedric Fournet, and 2 more authors
    In USENIX Security, Aug 2023


  1. USENIX Security
    SMASH: Synchronized Many-sided Rowhammer Attacks From JavaScript
    Finn Ridder, Pietro Frigo, Emanuele Vannacci, and 3 more authors
    In USENIX Security, Aug 2021
    Pwnie Award Nomination for Most Under-Hyped Research, Best Faculty of Science Master Thesis Award


  1. HITB
    A journey into the secret flaws of in-DRAM RowHammer mitigations
    Emanuele Vannacci, and Pietro Frigo
    Aug 2020
    HITB Singapore
  2. IEEE S&P
    TRRespass: Exploiting the Many Sides of Target Row Refresh
    Pietro Frigo, Emanuele Vannacci, Hasan Hassan, and 5 more authors
    In S&P, May 2020
    Best Paper Award, Pwnie Award for Most Innovative Research, IEEE Micro Top Picks Honorable Mention, DCSR Paper Award